Fairy Creek Blockade on Vancouver Island

Friends of the Broken Forests – Please Stand up for the Pacific Coast Old Growth

Tiel-Jones is the lumber company (https://tealjones.com/) that is killing two-thousand-year-old trees near Fairy Creek on Vancouver Island. The premier of the province of British Columbia has publicly sanctioned these executions and should be held responsible for this atrocity.

These majestic beings cannot be replaced and are the source of  much of the bio-diversity that we will need in the near future, that is found in abundance in coastal forests that have been too inaccessible for logging machines or for easy extraction.

There are literally thousands of brave, amazing folks who have been doing everything in their power to stop these crimes from happening. It is up to us to spread the word that we cannot let them do this simply for a small amount of money. These are all living trees that must be preserved in order to sustain our true, wild and un-domesticated forest.

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