Fairy Creek Blockade on Vancouver Island

Friends of the Broken Forests – Please Stand up for the Pacific Coast Old Growth Tiel-Jones is the lumber company (https://tealjones.com/) that is killing two-thousand-year-old trees near Fairy Creek on Vancouver Island. The premier of the province of British Columbia has publicly sanctioned these executions and should be held responsible for this atrocity. These majestic…

Stop the Destruction of Old Growth in BC

Hey Concerned Broken Forests People Please take a moment to sign this petition from Change.org.  Also check out the site itself to engage with folks who are petitioning “extraction capitalists” around the world. Text from the petition: “Some think it’s necessary to continue logging old growth forests with the way the forest industry is, but…

In Resilience by Cesar Forero

In Resilience I am the land of fullness breathing, in my core all realms turn resilient.  Whether with a giggle or a squeal the appeal from my soul announces a reincarnation. Dancing, with heartrending moves, then revolving and meandering…      Dancing and stirring in tune…                   …

Welcome to the Future OPEN NOW

Bienvenidos Al Futuro – an International Virtual Art Group Exhibition  Link to EXHIBITION SITE is HERE! Powered by Kunstmatrix…this exhibition of new works by over 40 artists from 9 COUNTRIES is a WONDER!! Please follow the link above to enter the exhibition and click your way through this array of beautiful, original artworks that focus…

Acciones al Margen Catalogue Published

Broken Forests Project curator and performance artist, Neryth Yamile Manrique Mendoza and the Festival Committee at Acciones al Margen in Bucaramanga, Colombia has just ePublished a wonderful catalogue of writings and photographs featuring articles on the future of art and on the Broken Forests Project. Here is the link to this beautiful publication. https://issuu.com/accionesalmargen/docs/accionesalmargen2/132

More Broken Forests Artists from Poland

Our curator and main arts activist in Krakow, Poland, Leszek Zuber Zebrowksi has discovered another amazing artistic talent whose artwork will enhance all of our future Broken Forests exhibitions and events. Welcome, Ilona Irmina Iwanska to the BFG! For more Information on BFG artists and works.

Organic installations that focus our attention on Broken Forests

I’m so happy to welcome my friend and a wonderful, committed and important artist, Ernest Daetwyler to the Broken Forest Group. Please take a look at the Images page for some views of Ernest’s past work. For me, these works have always been about synthesizing art with nature and building a sustainable balance between humanity…

New Landscape Artist added to BFG

Check out Marek Mikrut on our Images page. He plays a mean Jew’s Harp and his soft, joyful landscapes seem to conjur up childhood memories of the forests he visits. Here’s a beauty.  More images by Marek Mikrut are at: BFG Images page